
so now i'm back in new york. sadly. it was such a fun trip and i didn't want to leave laura, but she has a lot of things to arrange for her new apartment and grad school and other californian adventures, so i had to go. and i have to work on labor day. crap.
please enjoy some of these candid photos that we took along the road. nothing really specific happened during them, i just thought they came out as nice pictures...
the end

once we left san fran, there as nothing left to do but make our way to laura's new apartment. we couldn't go any further west, so we were forced to go south. we thought following the coast would be beautiful and relaxing, but turns out this is the foggy season for california, so we didn't get to see all that much. it was a wonderful drive anyway - i sort of derailed for a bit, but eventually regained my composure. laura had lost it somewhere around Pennsylvania, anyway, so it just became a hilarious drive. so what if we couldn't see the ocean...
for geoff

we were trying to make as many lazer noises as we could, but it just wasn't good enough...
San Fran

we really miss andrew, so we had to stop by. and it just so happened to be his birthday! hooray! Firemaster Gori did an excellent job of keeping our toes toasty at the bonfire on the beach - we felt VERY California. and we saw a magical shooting star fall over the ocean. he also took us on a grand driving tour of the city - we saw the FullHouse House, a trolleycar in action, went down Lombard St., learned about the various neighborhoods, took a nap on the couch, so much joy; see how happy we were!? we were very sad to have to leave so soon...